Company Ethics | Manifiesto

Here are our main four concepts to reflect who we are and our Company commitment. We are a Conservation Project based exclusively on low-impact ecotourism activity , thus we consider very important to make this statement public to describe our ethical principles. We want this document serves as a framework, either for our own organization and for you when choosing us as part of your tourist plans.
The quality of work in Yacutinga must be very special. Satisfactions must generate large staff involved as efficient results to the Company . The sense of “team” should be permanent , as well as the emphasis on personal and professional development for all team members work .
The equity in hiring and labor tracking , the fact of life promote a natural, healthy , balanced to ensure the health and safety of all of us in Yacutinga , as also respecting cultural, racial and sexual identity , freedom of religion and belief are and should be the basic pillars of our internal organization .
We believe that being a happy team, with clear labor convictions where joined efforts provide security and confidence, make us smile to deal properly with deal with the various requirements of our professional work for the good of all.
The relationship we have with our customers must be clear and very honest . Tourism is consumed influenced by brochures , websites , photographs , colors , and plenty of attractive offers. In turn , Incoming tourism is a sort of “commodity ” provided in a remote location and at a different Culture from home. Therefore Yacutinga is a very honest and supplier wishing to assist with transparency nor just the traveller also the whole of our Commercial Chain. Otherwise we would be betraying our most deep convictions .
The relationship with our commercial chain (vendors ) is and should remain clear and should aim at all times to support the growth of the sector dedicated to responsible tourism in Argentina .
We do not use paper. Only advertise trough electronic systems.
Yacutinga Lodge is the first ecolodge of Argentina . Since the beginning of the Yacutinga Project it was designed to be exceptionally friendly to the surrounding environment . In fact, the Lodge is the undisputed economic pillar of this Environmental Project . Therefore, the importance of minimizing environmental impacts has been a constant in the Company , either from start of the construction process of the Lodge and other infrastructure , to start- up and implementation of the ecotouristic product we offer.
Environmentally Yacutinga should set an example to other Enterprises that are added to the ecotourism activity in the Province of Misiones. We have been trained. All staff at the Lodge is or has become Conservationist , all aware of the need to minimize consumption and make a proper management of nonrenewable resources.
The Reciclarte Program as implemented recycling system in Yacutinga, help us to keep our environment friendly conviction and adequate management of non-organic waste. Most of this waste is transformed in art with a native guarani touch.
Yacutinga’s “soul” is based in Environmental & Conservation . We protect and manage one of the last refuges of Interior Atlantic Rainforest in good state of preservation. The Lodge minimizes negative impacts through various systems . Many of these systems are unique, very peculiar and have been designed by ourselves in the search for locally manageable practical solutions , whereas other systems have been adapted and learned from elsewhere.
Our commitment to Sustainable Development is more than tangible in Yacutinga . All of us in this Company know that the balance in the use of natural resources is essential, as is the spread of this need not only for the benefit of our neighbors but also for the Lodge Guest and visitors.
On the other hand , we know that times change and needs too. Ethically and conceptually we must stand firm in our convictions , we must continue monitoring of environmental conditions to successfully manage ecotourism in the Natural Reserve Area . We must and hope to provide constantly the example of the respect to the environment and local native Communities while spreading actions and information at a local, Regional and National level.
We are located in the extreme northeast Argentina . This area does not have more than 30 years of history , so in the very recent past was an uninhabited territory , dominated by the Jungle and its original inhabitants . Today , the nearby town of Andresito is one of the leading producers of yerba mate ( Ilex paraguayensis ) , having developed very strong growth over the past five years . This growth and urban development have produced some positive effects but unfortunately many other negative to local people.
In the spirit of supporting our community, Yacutinga has been carrying out actions that underpin the concepts of environmental conservation and social responsibility . So since our beginning we decided to coordinate training courses and seminars for local People. For the last seven years we have been developing our volunteers program to reinforce efforts for Environmental Education in the area. Special mention for our “La Gurisada y el Monte” Environmental Program to attend neighbouring rural school and the need to promote environmental & social conscience.
On the other hand , our proximity to the Community Guarani Kagui Pora yields a very important challenge. Yacutinga should support this native community seeking always to promote their proper employment in Modern Society. This process is not simple because the conflicts that arise due civil and individual obligations are often different from those learned by the Guarani People in their community-type social structure .
It is more than clear , that the efforts to pursuit fairness and respect that promotes Yacutinga in the Andresito (Northeast of the Province of Misiones) are central to the benefit of all who live in this area.