5 reasons to come to Yacutinga to practice Yoga & Meditation

Today a lot of people are more familiar with names of TV shows and social media companies than the wildlife and vegetation growing around us. We’ve alienated ourselves from the natural world. Our modern environment— fluorescent lights, stale air, phone screens—is dulling our senses and contributing to major health concerns and the global environmental crisis. It’s about time we reassessed, recalibrated, and reset. It’s time we got back to our roots. Experience Yacutinga Insight program it’s best way to feel your true nature!


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Iguazu Falls – Yoga and Meditation in the heart of the Rainforest.

The best option to practice yoga and meditate in a jungle environment after the visit to the Iguazu Falls.

Yacutinga Insight.

3 overnights at Yacutinga Lodge.

 This program was specially designed for encouraging the relationship between Man and Nature in an original and inspiring way. Our program was created for people who are looking for alternatives to improve their lives in a holistic way, and who are also willing to discover and enjoy Nature in an exuberant environment, full of wildlife.

The Insight program invites us to encounter ourselves with our inner space because, when we aware of the calm that pervades nature, we are able to connect with the calm that exists within ourselves. This is a unique experience that mixes yoga and meditation, together with interpretive nature activities.

Regarding our meals; Yacutinga´s menu is based on vegan or vegetarian food. Nutrition for us is very important since it is one of the stilts to find our interior balance. Food is prepared with love and dedication at the Lodge kitchen.

When we prepare our plates, we only use fruits and vegetables produced in the surrounding area- in this way, we can guarantee that they are fresh and avoid the contamination by chemicals that usually carry mass production. Each dish is made with love & dedication in our kitchen, trying to combine flavour, freshness and proper nutrition.

Our optional environmental activities invite our guests to discover the curiosities of the Sub-tropical Rainforest; these activities take place inside the exclusive Yacutinga Wildlife Reserve and are guided by experts. Discovering the peculiarities of this fascinating ecosystem is a unique experience that takes us back to our roots, and makes us rediscover the natural world. Through a correct interpretation, Nature with its ancestral wisdom, takes us back to a world to which we belong in our deepest essence.

Yacutinga Insight - Yoga & Meditation


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